
The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana is centrally located in the city. If you need detailed information about housing establishments near the university, contact us via form at The following hotels are located nearby – from 200 meters to 1.7 kilometers from the university:

Hotel Viaggio – 200 meters from the University

Hotel Tequendama Bogotá – 1.0 km from the Universityá-Bogotá-colombia/

Hotel Casa Medina Bogotá – 1 km from the universityá.html

Lodging costs range from US$70 to US$300.
The proposed hotel arrangements will have a 10-20% discount for the event. In the Historic Center of Bogotá La Candelaria, there are some hostels cheaper than hotels for students. Lodging cost range from US$25 to US$50. 
A wide range is in: